Battle Tanks of the Inquisition

Finished off my Leman Russ tanks this weekend that will form part of Inquisitor Coteaz's special Astra Militarum battle group.

I'd have liked to spend more time finishing them off - but gave myself a deadline of today - so had to just finish where I was. Pretty happy with them though - especially as it was all quite rushed - in odd hours I could grab over the last week or so.

Led by the army commander in the 'Imperius Dominatus', which will be either a Vanquisher or main Battle Tank, the other squadron member is the 'Sepulchra Metellica' - a still-to-be-decided Executioner/Punisher/Demolisher variant..

Next - on to more infantry...

Vanquisher and Punisher (with Forge World Commisar Tank Commander)

Inquisition Leman Russ Executioner

Inquisition Leman Russ Vanquisher

Inquisition Leman Russ Vanquisher

Executioner and Vanquisher

Executioner and Vanquisher

Leman Russ Inquisition Punisher

Leman Russ Inquisition Punisher

Leman Russ Inquisition Demolisher

Nomine Imperator
