Xmas Battle 2022/3


Battle 1: Necrons (Silent King) vs GSC


  • Necrons (Nihilak)
    • Silent King, Lokhust Heavy Destroyers, Technomancer, Immortals, FlayedOnes, Triarch Praetorians
  • GSC (Twisted Helix)
    • Lots of bodies - neophytes, acolytes, big things with pick axes and genestealers

Overview of the battle:

  • Necrons went first, GSC were just blips on the board. Deepstruck 2 small units of Flayed Ones, along with the Immortals in the deployment zone secured an early secondary, and also secure 3 objectives
  • Silent King spent game moving slowly towards the GSC deployment zone, supported by Triarch Praetorians
  • Early advantage to Necrons was slowly whittled down as GSC melee troops burst from underground and took out the Necrons objective holders
  • Main battle was between Silent King and 2 neophyte units - Silent King was whittling down bodies while remaining largely untouched, but the GSC kept using their banners to bring more troops to the battle. 

Lessons learned:

  • Nihilak dynasty are very handy for army wide obsec (since the custom obsec nerf)
  • Silent King is a beast, but a bit wasted in this game - he didn't really contribute anything beyond just soaking up a lot of fire. He might have been better used, but just wanted to see how he was in combat. Forgot about some of his buffing rules during the game. 
  • Lokhust Gauss Destructors are wasted with no real heavy/multi wound targets
  • Secondaries were ok - but need to prepare them better and focus on them more during the game I think
  • Also Strategems - used them pretty well I think (for me) - but probably missed a few opportunities
  • GSC resurrect thingy is pretty good

Battle 2: Necrons (Nightbringer) vs GSC


  • Necrons (Nihilak)
    • Nightbringer, Lokhust Heavy Destroyers, Technomancer, Immortals, FlayedOnes, Canoptek Spyders and Scarabs
  • GSC (Twisted Helix)
    • Lots of bodies - neophytes, acolytes, big things with pick axes and genestealers

Overview of the battle:

  • Had to cut short unfortunately in order to get home in decent time
  • From lessons learned - swapped out Lokhust heavy Gauss Destructors for Enminitic Exterminators - better for horde clearing
  • Necrons advanced up the table as fast as they could 
  • GSC blocked any deepstrikes into deployment zone (Flayed ones)

Lessons learned:

  • Enmitic exterminators tore holes in large infantry units - definitely will consider them again in the right match up
  • Nightbringer was a nightmare - Sky of Falling Stars C'Tan power was perfect for large blobs of troops - and he tore through a genestealer unit in melee
  • Can't say what the final result would have been - but was quite happy with how that army was performing - would have been interesting to see how the scarab & spyder combo held up in melee
