Solid day of working on the Fists a bit more - did all the missing bases with a base (Mournfang) and wash (Devlan) - also washed all marines with Devlan.
Finished the Aegis defence line. Not as god as I wanted - but set myself a time deadline to stick to. On top of the black undercoat - used leadbelcher to pick out the silver bits, then washed with Nuln Oil. Bit of black to tidy up the edges, then drybrushed with Leadbelcher and then a bit of chainmail. Then added Mig weathering powders - mud to the base, dabs of smoke all over and some light rust dusted in places. Then covered with the sealant fluid.
Doesn't look as obvious as it did when I did it - not sure if all too dark or just the sealant drying. Happy overall though - given I didn't want to dwell too long on it
Next step is to highlight the remaining bases and then put some more Yriel on...
Imperial Fists with an Aegis Defence Line (WIP) - not too obvious from the photos - but has 3 different MIG weathering powders added |
Undercoated with Army Painter yellow, spray base colouer with GW Yriel yellos and washed with Devlan Mud |
Termies - added first pass colour for rocks on base and termie shoulder pads |
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