A bit of a dig around the parents attic the other weekend turned up these goodies.... I knew Adeptus Titanicus was up there - but was amazed to find my old Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2nd edition rules - I thought they got thrown out years ago. Unfortunately the cardboard troops I'd constructed seemed to have disappeared - but even so - result!...
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2nd Edition |
Space Fleet - never played.. |
Adeptus Titanicus |
A Reaver Class Titan, if I remember correctly.. with a rather dubious camo scheme... |
We are the Gods of Hellfire,.. and we bring you... |
An old, old banner - from the days when toothpaste tubes were made from metal... |
I forgot it came with Ork buggies!... |
The Emperor of Mankind salutes Queen Elizabeth II with a flypast in her Jubilee year |
Memories.... Geek Memories... |
The Magnificent Sven - Metal |
The Magnificent Sven - Paper |
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