2014 - The Year of the Imperial Fists

Having painted all the Grey Knights, and most of the Inquisitorial Guard last year  (still some chunks of grey plastic and flat colours..) - I think it's time for a change of focus for 2014..

Continuing the Imperial theme for one more year (the Dark Gods have decreed that 2015 is the switch back to Chaos)- I think it's ttime to finish off the Imperial Fist detachment. I've got a bunch of tac marines and bikers undercoated - but before applying the paint - I thought I'd assemble some new boxes..

First up - Termies For the first time I've tried out magnetized infantry weapons, drilled storm bolter barrels and rocks on the base. Quite happy with the results so far!...

Imperial Fist Terminators - with a Grey Knight head and drilled barrels

Imperial Fist Terminator - Magnetized weapons load outs
